
Loving or Selfish?

With sadness and regret, I remember back to the days when I would hoard baked goods or sweets for myself. After baking a batch of cookies, I’d devour far too many, and limit my kids to one or two each; mostly because I wanted more for myself, but under the guise of being a good Mom and making sure my kids didn’t eat to many sweets. A box of Honey Buns were reserved for me, alone…all six of them! And many more sweet treats can be added to the list, far more than this article need contain. I was, in a word, selfish . But I didn’t see it that way, I saw it in the light of being older, I deserved more. I was the mom, after all! Who would dare suggest that my desire to keep more for myself and limit my children was bad? My kids didn’t need all the sweet treats, really. Duh…neither did I! This past year I have taken myself on a journey. Limiting my sweets, as well as those for my family, so that I could find what healthy was for me. I have refrained from baking sweet treats of any sort ...

Wake Up Call

Do you have a wake up call picture that kick started your healthy journey? I remember that as a mom of a one and two year old that I had done pretty well with my eating and I could run around with them while they played, so I must be healthy and in shape. Then THAT picture gave me quite a start!! Who was that girl next to my husband? I remembered buying that dress and thinking it was so cute. Looking at the picture made me cry. How had I let myself go? I knew I had to do something, especially if I wanted to have another baby, cause my track record to losing baby weight was pretty bad. So I spent some time stalking friends' Facebook pages when they talked about their workout programs. Some friends were walking or running outside, but in the middle of summer in Arizona walking outside was the last thing I wanted to do! So I joined a gym, tried two personal trainer sessions, and went only a couple of times because I didn't have childcare for my kids. Then another friend ...

Is it worth the cost?

Maybe you don't have the money right now to get purchase a new workout program or nutrition plan. That's okay. I'm glad that you've set yourself up for success by not agreeing to go into more debt to get healthy. There is no point in doing something unhealthy for your finances just to get started on your healthy journey. I've been there...thought I NEED to get that program NOW! Charge it. Well, unless that money charged was in the account to cover the charge, then it was WRONG. Before taking the plunge to buy something now because it's on sale or someone REALLY wants you to buy it, decide if you have the money. If not, please don't just pull out the plastic. If you truly feel that it would be a beneficial help to yourself and your family, then set aside a little each paycheck until you have the money saved to cover the purchase. In the mean time, you can still make healthy choices to start you on your journey, and they don't have to cost you more ...

Willow Ridge - A Review

Willow Ridge by Jen Cudmore is a western novella set in a nineteenth century Oregon gold rush town, Willow Ridge. It weaves the tale of the people who settle this emerging mining town. Lives of outlaws, Indians, businessmen, and townspeople intersect in this gold rush era. Tales of survival, love, and faith bring this story to life. I enjoyed watching the characters find common ground and I was drawn to continue reading. The author does a good job of painting a picture of a booming mining town and creating realistically human characters. I had a hard time putting the book down once I got into it, and I look forward to the next in the series to learn more of the people in Willow Ridge. I was given a free copy of this by the author. I was not required to post a positive review, just give my own opinion.

You've got a friend in me

Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up.   - Ecc 4:9-10 NKJV Have you ever started on yet another fitness journey only to throw your hands up in defeat when the tough times hit or you don't see results fast enough? Why did you give up? I'll tell you had no one to support you and encourage you when the going got tough! How about joining a healthy living challenge group?  In this group you will find other people, just like you, who are working on their fitness and personal health daily.  They stumble and fall, just like you.  They have victories, great and small, that can encourage you along your journey.  Just like you, praise for victories and encouragement for those little hiccups along the way are truly appreciated and may be just the little nudge needed to keep taking ...

The Road to Fitness

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. -  Hebrews 12:1-2 You started an exercise program, huh?   Y ou probably have several friends who know you started exercising and eating healthier, but for whatever reason did not join you on this journey.   Know this, they are watching you.   They want to see if you can be any more successful at this “exercise thing” than they were the last time they tried it.   The Plan 1.    Lay aside the weight you have been carrying around for too long 2.    Replacing the poor food choices with healthy fuel for your body Onc...

Stumbling into Grace - Book Review

Bible studies can be hard to relate to at times.   However, when the author creates a feeling of sitting down to coffee and chatting with a good friend, while getting deeper into a relationship with Jesus at the same time: what better format for this women’s Bible Study book, Stumbling Into Grace by Lisa Harper.   Each chapter is a new study that begins with a story from Lisa’s life.   The stories cover a range of emotionally poignant stories with which most women can empathize.   Next is a scripture reading; followed by a section that relates the Bible passage to her story.   Finally application through group discussion or personal reflection closes each chapter with plenty of room to write in answers and journal. I enjoyed “getting to know” Lisa through her witty life anecdotes.   As a national women’s conference speaker, at first glance Lisa appears to have it all together; yet her stories prove that she is human and stu...