I’ve said that to my children many, many times; as a matter of fact, just this morning I said it to my oldest two. Only this time, I was convicted myself. How many times have I looked at the kitchen counter and thought, “I really need to do the dishes,” and yet they remain there, dirty, for a few more hours (or days).

UGH! What a hypocrite I’ve been in front of my children. No, they didn’t hear anyone telling me to clean the house, or know that I refused to obey the prompting and try to rationalize my disobedience with things like the following:

• I don’t feel good today; I’ll do it tomorrow when I’m feeling better.

• I let it go too long already. I feel overwhelmed by it, and I just can’t handle that feeling right now.

• Maybe if I leave it until after my husband gets home I can make him feel sorry enough to do it for me.

• I don’t want to do it now, just because!

Whatever the reasons, they cause me to not obey right away, the right way.

That’s just for the chores that I should do daily. Well, I had committed to take on the 31 day challenge with 31 Days to Clean. I even tweeted about the eBook and challenge in order to get the eBook for myself and join in on the challenge that was set to begin on May 1. Well, here begins the excuses I have already made to not follow through:

• I didn’t get the eBook until May 1, so I didn’t have time to prepare and get organized before day 1. (Me, get organized, hah!)

• Day 1 - I’m sick, so I don’t think I can handle the first big Martha task of cleaning the refrigerator and freezer, so I’ll skip and start on challenge #2 tomorrow. Plus I just did nine loads of laundry today anyway, that counts, right?

• Day 2 – I’m still sick, and, well, I’m behind already, what’s the point?

Well, Days 3 and 4 went by with no attention to my commitment to the 31 day challenge, other than reading the eBook to see what everyone else was supposed to be doing and checking Twitter to see what Sarah Mae had to say for the day. She even encouraged on Day 3 to join in the online forum she created and connect with others who had gotten a late start. Did I take on that challenge? NO! I did my regular house cleaning; even had a friend over for coffee, so the house had to be in order for that. But I refused to think about the challenge because it seemed too hard to take on.

Here I am, Day 5, nothing of the challenge done; when I find myself disciplining my four-year-old for not obeying right away with the right attitude. How many times did I fail to follow my advice this week? At least five times, I counted one for each day, and that’s obviously low. Well, I went to the kitchen for a respite from my children and began praying and asking God to forgive me for failing to obey and follow through on the challenge. I finished the dishes I was praying through, and began the challenge for Day 4 since it was the last entry I had read. Well, my oven and microwave were cleaned relatively quickly, to my surprise; so I went to the eBook and began the first Martha challenge on the refrigerator.

I’m happy to report that my refrigerator, microwave, and oven are clean, in addition to my daily tasks! Now on to catch up on the freezer, dusting the tops of refrigerator, clean and shine outsides of cupboards and drawers; then to read Day 5 and see what’s next on my list. Keeping the attitude right when doing these tasks is hard, but my goal is to use that time as prayer and meditation time. Maybe then my attitude will be off my pity party and on God and others.


  1. Sounds like me sometimes, too. Great perspective reminder!

  2. Keep on "taking the next right step."

  3. Thanks for the openess and a reminder to do our "jobs" as helpmeets. Way to go at catching up on your commitment. I was just feeling like putting off a couple of things. I think I'll get off here and get them done :o)


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